Please be reminded that all league officials are volunteers, and do all either work full-time or are in education. Respectfully we ask that if you are wish to contact a committee member by phone, to either text or email first so they can advise of their availability. Please do not expect an immediate response, we will respond as soon as we have time or are available.

Darren Iles
Darren IlesChairman | Treasurer
Darren was previously involved in the South Norfolk Youth League prior to NCYFL. Darren is also the Treasurer for Thetford Town FC.
Chris Brown
Chris BrownVice Chairman | Comms
Chris has been involved since the leagues inception in 2016. Leading on the introduction of the Under 18 provision and the leagues digital and social media platforms. He also schedules the initial fixtures for U9-U18 prior to the season starting. Chris is also the Chairman of Horsford F.C.
Karen Ward
Karen WardU9 & U10 Secretary | League Secretary
Karen was previously involved in the Norfolk Youth Combination League prior to the creation of NCYFL. She leads on the League Development Plan and is part of the Behaviour Working Group.
Ann Hayek
Ann HayekMinutes Secretary
Ann first became involved with Youth football 27 years ago, and has held various jobs within the Leagues from Minutes Secretary to Chairman of the Discipline Committee. Ann was previously a League Welfare Officer, she believe strongly in children finding confidence and commitment through their involvement with football as well as enjoyment of the game. Ann is now the league Minutes Secretary.
Jo Williams
Jo WilliamsChild Welfare Officer
Jo joined the league committee in 2018 initially as a Divisional Secretary. Now she is one of our Child Welfare Officers and leads the working group for behaviour.
Michelle Williamson
Michelle WilliamsonLeague Welfare Officer
Michelle joined NCYFL in the summer of 2024 to support clubs as an additional Child Welfare Officer.
Jackie Skipp
Jackie SkippPlayer Registrations Officer
Jackie joined the committee in 2020 as a Divisional Secretary. She is also an experienced club secretary for Bury Town F.C. and is always willing to support new club volunteers. Jackie’s role now encompasses player registrations, transfers and de-registrations.
Steve Kenny
Steve KennyU7 & U8 Secretary
Steve has been involved since the leagues merger in 2017. He has covered the Under 7 & Under 8 Divisional Secretary role since then. Steve is also secretary at Norman Wanderers F.C. and coach at Aylsham F.C.
Steve Booty
Steve BootyU11 Secretary
Steve joined the league committee in 2024. His role is to support the Under 11’s coaches as age group secretary. Steve has been a coach in NCYFL since it’s formation back in 2016.
Ian Haydon
Ian HaydonU12 Secretary
Ian joined the league committee in 2024. His role is to support the Under 12’s coaches as age group secretary.
Andy Moncur
Andy MoncurU13 Secretary
Andy joined the league committee in 2018. Andy’s an experienced referee, and also has covered high level Futsal tournaments. Currently, Andy covers the Under 13 Divisional Secretary role.
Mark Walker
Mark WalkerU14 Secretary
Mark joined the committee in 2019 and has gone on to become an experienced Divisional Secretary. He is also the Secretary for Wymondham Town United F.C.
Louis Fisher
Louis FisherU15 Secretary
Louis joined the league committee in 2023 to support the committee as a Transfers & Registrations officer. Louis is a qualified referee and you’ll often see him refereeing in NCYFL. Louis is now an Age Group Secretary.
Hayden Iles
Hayden IlesU16 Secretary
Hayden joined the league committee ahead of the 2021/22 season as a Divisional Secretary. Along with Chris, Hayden also oversees the ticketing and admission for league events.
Tom Rampling
Tom RamplingU18 Secretary
Tom joined the league committee in 2017 and was previously the Assistant Treasurer. He is a Level 4 Football Referee operating on Steps 6 to 3 in the pyramid. Tom is currently in his final year of university at UEA.
Lisa Hamilton
Lisa HamiltonFemale Participation Officer
Lisa joined the league committee in 2023 to support the committee with increasing female participation in NCYFL. Lisa is also the Child Welfare Officer for F.C. Steamers and Wroxham F.C.
Jacob Burton
Jacob BurtonMatch Observer
Jacob joined the league committee in 2023 to support the committee as a match observer. Jacob previously coached in the league for 10+ seasons, and still plays football on a Saturday.