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Ref Rewards Match


Girls Provision - January 2024

Girls Opt Out

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New Club 2024-25

"*" indicates required fields


Secretary Name*
Secretary Email*


Chairperson Name*
Chairperson Email*


Treasurer Name*
Treasurer Email*

Child Welfare Officer

Child Welfare Officer Name*
Child Welfare Officer Email*

New Team Details 2024-25

"*" indicates required fields

You do not need to include club name. eg. If you are Horsford F.C. U13 Harriers, just enter Harriers or if you are Taverham F.C. U13, leave the box empty.
If this team has played in another league and is joining NCYFL, please provide some information on the ability of the team and any previous divisional records so we can look information up. You can also state preferences around preferred match formats.

If the team is brand new to football entirely, or moving from another club, please also provide those details.


Manager Name*
Manager Email*

Assistant Manager

Assistant Manager Name*
Assistant Manager Email*

Home Ground Details

Team Colours

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